Julia is an associate in the firm’s Business Litigation Practice. She represents companies and individuals as both plaintiffs and defendants on various matters including product liability, complex tort, employment discrimination, trade secrets, and contract disputes and litigation.
Prior to joining Hodgson Russ, Julia served as a summer law clerk with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of New York, where she worked on criminal, civil, and appellate cases. She also served as a student attorney for several Cornell Law School clinics, where she represented clients in a wide array of immigration, child advocacy, and gender justice matters.
Representative Work
Order of the Coif
Charles Evans Hughes Scholar, Cornell Law School
CALI Award for Excellence in: Contracts (2019); Lawyering (2020); Federal Appellate Practice (2021); Advanced Gender Justice Clinic (2022)
Frank Wagner Prize for Best Article, LII Supreme Court Bulletin, 2021
University Medal Finalist, University of Maryland, 2019
Volunteer Attorney, ECBA Volunteer Lawyers Project Immigration Program
Bar Association of Erie County
Women's Bar Association of the State of New York, Western New York Chapter